
The Pay at Home Parent

I empower entrepreneurs to achieve financial and career freedom, affording them the opportunity to pursue their passions from home. Join 30,000+ others and receive my FREE weekly insights which feature the best opportunities to earn money based on your skills, interests, and time.

A stack of twenty dollar bills sitting on top of each other
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Earn up to $350 an hour

Hey Reader, What would you do today if you knew you could start earning up to $350 per hour by next month? Personally, I’d be ready to invest both time and money if I knew that was a real possibility. But here’s the truth: most people won’t. They expect opportunities to fall into their lap, requiring no effort or investment. Businesses just don’t work that way! Over the past 10 years, every business I’ve started has either required countless hours of research, trial and error, or a...

A couple of people standing on top of a body of water

Hey Reader, Have you ever wanted something so badly that you found yourself literally knocking on your head, trying to figure out how to make it happen? I’ve been there. I spent two years working as a debt collector, followed by another year in a slightly less stressful job, before finally saying "no" to the cubicle life. It just never felt fulfilling to me. My dream was to earn enough money from home so I could be there for my kids and truly live life on my terms. After trying multiple...

September giveaway

Hey Reader, We’ve been talking a lot lately about selling techniques and the importance of building a community around the needs our products or services fulfill. With the holiday season fast approaching, I thought it might be nice to show you a working example of how I do just that! Around this time of year, I start thinking about all the fun holidays coming up—Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and more. Buttt, we all know that with each holiday comes some pretty high-ticket prices,...

macbook pro beside white ceramic bowl with bread

Hey Reader, As part of our series on selling (products, services, affiliates, etc.) more effectively, I want to share some powerful strategies on how to build an email list for your business. An email list is one of the most valuable assets you can have, allowing you to communicate directly with your audience, share updates, and promote your products or services. Unlike social media, where algorithms control who sees your content, an email list gives you direct access to your audience. It’s a...

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table

Hey Reader, Last week we talked about the importance of building a community around the needs that your products or services fulfill. It's an extremely effective way to sell that most entrepreneurs don't consider! Today, I’m excited to share some valuable strategies on how to partner with businesses, influencers, or content creators to elevate your brand and reach a wider audience. This could in turn build your community even further if you use these strategies together wisely. Sponsored by:...

person in red sweater holding babys hand

Hey Reader, Last week, I gave you an overview of four ways you can sell effectively. The reason I think this is important for everyone to understand is that every business has a point of sale, whether it's a product or a service of some kind. So if you're truly interested in earning an income online, I want you to have the basics nailed down. Today, I’m excited to dig into some valuable strategies on the first of those four ways: building a community around the needs your products fill....

a community of hands put into a circle

Hey Reader, Last week, I gave you an overview of four ways you can sell effectively. The reason I think this is important for everyone to understand is that every business has a point of sale, whether it's a product or a service of some kind. So if you're truly interested in earning an income online, I want you to have the basics nailed down. Today, I’m excited to dig into some valuable strategies on the first of those four ways: building a community around the needs your products fill....

woman handing shopping bag to another woman

Hey Reader, Whether you're selling products, services, or simply sharing helpful or entertaining content, there's always an exchange involved. Even if you're not directly on a sales team, sales are integral to every business model. That's why understanding the basics of selling is so crucial. Unfortunately, we can’t just point out our favorite items and expect instant purchases. Effective selling requires preparation and presenting value to your audience. Today I'll share some friendly tips...

Hey Reader, As fellow entrepreneurs, we know just how challenging it can be to get our products/services noticed in the vast online marketplace. It can feel overwhelming at times, and the pressure to give up can be immense. I understand those struggles deeply and want to offer my support. I am reaching out to see if you sell products online or have plans to start. If you do, I would love to hear from you. Whether you're already established or just getting started, I'm here to help you achieve...

Hey Reader, ...PRIME DAY! (Yes, The Pay at Home Parent is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Prime Day means tons of opportunities to get the stuff you NEED at an extreme discount. (And if you don't need it or really want it, then don't buy it.) I'm always rooting for you in both your personal and small business endeavors. So if...